To provide support and guidance to regional or local alumni band groups around the country.
- Each local alumni band unit will have a designated director to coordinate the local band. The director will be responsible for scheduling events, scheduling rehearsals, and making sure that any engagement accepted by the local band is commensurate with the performance standards of the University of Michigan Bands. Any person playing in a local band shall have been a member of one of the Michigan Bands during their university tenure.
- The director will be the liaison to the UMBAA to maintain contact and get any support measures needed that are available from the UMBAA or directly from the University of Michigan Bands.
- Good instrumental balance is essential in assuring a good performance that reflects well on the talent of the local band members.
- Performances should be of a nature that reflect positively on the local alumni band unit and on the University of Michigan Band program.
- All members of a local alumni band unit are encouraged to rehearse before scheduled events and garner support for the University of Michigan Bands from their local alumni clubs when possible.
- All members of a local alumni band unit are strongly encouraged to help support the University of Michigan Band Alumni Association by becoming active supporting members (members in good standing).
- The Michigan Marching Band Director will provide any music requested that is traditionally a "Michigan" piece if the Board of Regents holds copyright. Any other requested pieces will need to be purchased by the local band.
Adopted August 10, 2004